I cannot tell you how your instruction related to treatment planning and coding has changed this practice. We have increased our receivables and what’s better, our collections have improved. Insurance companies are glad to approve the treatment! M.D.’s are also impressed with our documentation and approach to treatment and are happy to refer. It’s been a very good thing for our practice. My staff, myself, insurance carrier’s, attorneys (if one is involved), any other doctors, all know exactly what the patient is being treated for and why. This has solved alot of our patient flow problems as well. The girls get the patients where they need to be and things run much better and smoother as a result. This has absolutely cut down on the amount of confusion for anyone. Before this, I thought we were doing a pretty good job!!! Best of all, the patient’s are happier. The only problem is that our new patient volume has increased dramatically. It’s a nice problem to have.
Thank you so much for your help!!!!!